在达拉斯阿纳托尔希尔顿酒店举行的2017年德克萨斯州2021十大正规彩票app经纪人大会第一天,哈维和德克萨斯州及其2021十大正规彩票app经纪人®的恢复力是一个主题. 演讲者和领导者花时间承认德州2021十大正规彩票app经纪人®的慷慨-他们的时间和 gifts to the 德州2021十大正规彩票app经纪人® Relief Fund并承认许多遭受哈维飓风袭击的同事和客户所感受到的损失和困难.

大学橄榄球教练传奇人物Lou Holtz在达拉斯举行的2017年德州2021十大正规彩票app经纪人大会开幕式上发表主题演讲.
大学橄榄球教练传奇人物Lou Holtz在达拉斯举行的2017年德州2021十大正规彩票app经纪人大会开幕式上发表主题演讲.

Opening Session showcases strength of 德州2021十大正规彩票app经纪人®

The invocation for the Opening Session, led by Kenya Burrell, a TAR vice president for Region 14 (Houston), included a moment of silence for those affected by Harvey. TAR主席Vicki Fullerton随后详细介绍了德州2021十大正规彩票app经纪人®救济基金已经产生的影响(迄今已分发了超过100万美元的援助)以及REALTORS®如何努力帮助他们的社区. The 德州2021十大正规彩票app经纪人® Relief Fund continues to accept contributions at donvoyages.com/relief as applications for assistance are being processed.

At the Opening Session, 传奇足球教练卢·霍尔茨发表了主题演讲,受到与会者的热烈欢迎. Weaving in jokes and personal anecdotes, 霍尔兹分享了人生成功的关键在于做出正确的选择, do everything to the best of your ability, and show people you care. 他赞扬德州2021十大正规彩票app经纪人®使人们的生活更容易过渡.

Why fixing school finance is so difficult

德克萨斯州的学校财政系统已经从法院命令修复到法院命令修复,直到德克萨斯州最高法院的最新裁决称其符合宪法, 如果有严重缺陷. At the Public Policy Forum on Friday afternoon, 德克萨斯州参议院教育委员会主席拉里·泰勒和众议院教育委员会成员兰斯·古登参加了讨论, moderated by former Texas Senate 教育 Chairman Florence Shapiro, about why fixing the state’s school finance system has proven so difficult. 

泰勒解释说,目前的制度可以追溯到1940年,此后经历了多次修订, like a cabin built over 70 years by different people. “If we’re going to be the state we are today, which I believe is a world leader, we’ve got to make changes in education,泰勒说. Instead of continuing to tweak the current system, 夏皮罗说, 这一切都应该被抛弃,国家应该从头开始.

85年th 德克萨斯州议会通过了一项法律,要求该州成立一个由13人组成的委员会,研究学校财政体系并提出改进2021十大正规彩票app. 古登说,他希望欧盟委员会找到一个解决方案,但他知道这将是困难的. 

德州2021十大正规彩票app经纪人® shouldn’t become experts on the current system, 泰勒说, because we need a full overhaul. REALTORS®将通过与立法者沟通德克萨斯州应该朝着什么方向努力来最好地帮助委员会-无论系统今天看起来如何. 

What’s the potential impact of tax reform?

威廉Mellor, of Angelou Economics, 通过对联邦税收改革蓝图对德克萨斯州的影响进行经济分析,拉开了公共政策论坛的序幕. The one-page Blueprint doesn’t include many details, but based on what we know so far, Texas could expect an overall fiscal benefit of $830 million. 然而, because of the way that benefit would be distributed, the economic impacts would amount to a $3.435 billion loss for Texas. Of the $830 million in tax relief, 47% would go to the wealthiest 5% of households, while 43% of the tax hikes will fall on the lowest 50% percent of earners.

该分析还研究了德克萨斯州房屋的盈亏平衡价格:在这个价格上,房主将从税收减免中获得足够的好处,从而选择逐项扣除. 蓝图之下, 哪一项要求取消地方财产税的扣除,同时保留抵押贷款利息的扣除, 德州人的盈亏平衡房价将是个人和已婚夫妇的三倍左右. 德州人利用当地财产税减免远远超过抵押贷款利息减免, according to the analysis. 蓝图支持的改革将使大多数德州人无法享受逐项减税的好处.

After Harvey, all bets are off for the Texas economy

德克萨斯州的一个&2021十大正规彩票app中心首席经济学家吉姆·盖恩斯(Jim Gaines)为来年的经济预测准备了一份清单, but after Harvey they may still come true or they may not. As Gaines’ second slide admonished, all bets are off. 什么是肯定的?, 盖恩斯说, 那是关于德州人对经济全面好转的看法的调查数据吗. Empirical measures of the Texas economy don’t look quite as rosy. “It’s not that they’re bad,” he said. “It’s just that they’re not quite as good.”

After the down year of 2016, this year was poised to be a recovery year for the Texas economy, 但现在,2018年可能是非常伟大的一年,也可能是充满挑战的一年. 好消息是,哈维没有对基本经济基础设施造成长期破坏, 但经济成本估计在600亿到1900亿美元之间.

全州, job growth is picking up again, 推动人口增长,给国家和地方资源带来更多压力, 据盖恩斯说.